Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Current Crave

You know how there's always that one girl in the bar that everyone notices?  After thinking about what gives them that "it" factor, I realized that usually their outfits are surprisingly simple.  They know how to dress for their body type, and they usually have really nice hair (something I'm also envious of - my hair is a beast to take care of).  One girl that has stuck in my mind was just wearing a long-sleeved black romper with black high heels, yet somehow looked amazing.  Since then, I've been on the lookout for a similar piece.  This morning, while distracting myself from my Clinical Epidemiology class, this came in my inbox from Planet Blue:

Source: Planet Blue

I immediately started filling out my size info and almost clicked 'Add to Bag' before realizing the price tag: $275.  Over the holidays I spent a ridiculous amount of money on clothing and shoes, so I feel I have to be a bit more picky about what I buy.  Plus, I feel a little dumb paying all that for a romper (however, I have been known to splurge on dresses, and this is just basically a dress with leg holes!) (this type of rationalization is what makes me splurge in the first place...).

So, I spent the rest of class Googling 'long-sleeved black romper' without much success.  However, I did come across this awesome website called The Hunt!  Basically, you upload a picture of an item you want, and outsource all the hard work of finding it or a similar looking item to people on the internet.  If I decide to procrastinate on my two impending finals tonight, I'll probably make an account and load this photo.  One of my other pet peeves is seeing awesome clothes on Pinterest or Tumblr without any sort of link to the item.  This site will definitely come in handy!

Now back to studying for my clinical epidemiology and health policy finals.  :(

Song of the day:


Anonymous said...

Wow, The Hunt, what a find! I just uploaded a photo of some heels I have been wanting forever but way to expensive to justify.. and got directed to another pair I like even more! Thanks! :)

Piper said...

The hunt sounds like a great idea, I'm going to check it out now!
Piper x

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Lara Rose said...

Looks nice! Nice blog you have!